“For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” - Ezra 7:10(ESV)



Frances Archer, Founder and Visionary of Terebinth Moreh Ministries

I was not born in a family of ministers of the church. I did not grow up going to church every Sunday and I did not live a life centered around Jesus Christ.

I was baptized in my teenage years because I heard about Jesus Christ and I did not want to go to hell! I sat on the mourning bench for a week, listening to the preacher preach the Word concerning Jesus Christ and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. That’s as simple as it gets! No frills or bells surrounded me finding Jesus. What I did not know was that one day, I would know Jesus Christ as not only my savior unto life and life abundantly, but also my Lord!


My name is Frances Archer. I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I did not grow up in an atmosphere of serving God as a way of life, but I was introduced to Jesus Christ as a teenager. My childhood years were no different from the majority. I was loved by my parents, raised as best they could, and taught how to survive in this world. I went on to earn a master’s degree in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and ever since then I have worked in a field I love and progressed successfully in my career.

Then in 1998, I met my very own gentle giant Shaun, fell in love and life continued to be good as far as I knew. We married in 2001 before our family and friends. Life was great, great husband, baby on the way and even thinking I might go back to school. I began to think that I may return to earn a doctorate, or even go into another field entirely. I began to think about things beyond the current comfort of my happy life.


Something began to draw my attention to God. Unknown to me at the time, I was being drawn by the love of God, and life as I knew it had been disrupted! The hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ took over my heart.


I absorbed every book and every teaching I could get my hands on. The Father revealed himself to me, as the One who first loved me through the life of His son Jesus Christ. Over the next several years, as God peeled the hard places away and the healed scars and wounds, my life in Jesus Christ began to bloom.


“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." - 2 Timothy 3:16, NLT

In 2012 after attending a conference, riding home on a bus, with 52 phenomenal women, something washed over me that I cannot articulate, but I knew at that moment that my life had taken a trajectory beyond my understanding. I secretly convinced myself that I would dare not speak the thoughts running through my mind concerning a calling to serve Jesus. The more I reasoned away from it, the more God revealed it to others in my walk. In 2016, I accepted the desire of my heart to serve God as a minister of the Gospel. As I witnessed the power of God’s word transforming my life, I had an overwhelming God-given appetite for the Bible and to see the power of His Word in the lives of all people. This appetite sent me on a pursuit of Jesus and an unexplainable love for God, the Father that propels me today.

The revelation of the Father’s love that burns for His children to know Him and love Him fell into my heart as a burden for His people. It is through His mighty word, the Holy Bible that I came to know God, the Almighty Creator as my Father through the undying mercy of His son Jesus Christ. It is this passion, the passion of the Father’s desire for His children that fuels me today.

In all the persons that I am, wife, mother, sister, and friend, I am a child of the Most High God. As the author of Psalms 119:23-24 states, “But your servant meditates on your statutes. Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.

The Bible reminds me daily that my Lord Jesus, God the Father, and Holy Spirit are with me forevermore. My testimony is simply this, God interrupted my life through His word of 66 books called The Bible and gave me LIFE and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY in His Son, my Lord Jesus Christ!


Join me on this journey…

as we passionately pursue Jesus Christ to ignite and impact Holy worship and Holy living through the One Language of God beyond denominations.