Supporting you in pursuing Jesus and growing in your understanding of the Bible.
Perspective In Him Series
A Spoken Word Presentation
How does that song go? You know from that Christmas movie.. Oh yes, This Christmas Hang all the mistletoe, I’m going to get to know you better This Christmas…
Can you imagine being young, innocent and ready to enter the world as many would use in today's vernacular, "your best life"? The excitement and anticipation one must feel believing they have the perfect plan to live out their dreams; only to discover that God has a greater plan orchestrated. A plan which would become the avenue for all to not just live their "best life" but to live life more abundantly.
Now, platforms are all the rage. Whether it's a social media influencer, politician, or professional athlete, they are all vying to garner our attention with messages that cover an array of topics. Without a doubt, many of their messages may have been beneficial to our well-being and existence, and others may have provided a wealth of information to help us make informed personal decisions
This often quoted scripture has been heard throughout the years of a believer's time in the faith. Psalm 23 is the assured presence and provision of the Good Shepherd and His sheep. As we are in the season of preparing tables, I would like to explore the Father's intent in preparing a table for us. Firstly, there must be an admission that a lot of emphasis has always been placed on what God does in front of our enemies, haters, and the like. However, I would like to shift your focus to the point of the Father taking the time to prepare a table for you and in front of you.
This time of year, we find ourselves wanting to take stock of all the things we are grateful for. We examine the blessings we have in our health, our families, our jobs, our salvation, and so on. But what happens when the things you should be grateful for are the things you complain about the most?
With Christmas fast approaching, there’s always a sense of excitement around this time of year. We become Ecstatic about the decorating of our home and even the gift shopping for our loved ones. We can’t wait to come together to laugh and fellowship with each other, but when was the last time we showed a sense of Gratitude and Gratefulness to God?
This is the time of the year that we get so busy planning flights to travel, and prepping to have a feast with our loved ones. We can get so consumed with our own agendas that we neglect to acknowledge though it is a time of Thanksgiving, it’s also a time when God is speaking to Us and to Our Hearts.
Biblical Honor is holy and it is a Great Work of those in Jesus Christ! Each of us has the “job” of building up our Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ! This reciprocal honor is the foundation of the peculiar way the Born Again Christian is made, As Jesus is so are we in Earth! (1 John 4:17)
The Good work of honor is the responsibility of every Born Again Believer at the foundational level of Jesus Christ! If the foundation is faulty everything else concerning HONOR will have cracks in it, and it will be compromised. Is your foundation of Honor faulty?
Many wonder what these “good works” are in the Born Again Christian. The Righteous ones in Jesus Christ are made by His sacrifice, but we have also created a peculiar way to live and live forth until The Day of the Lord. You are formed to operate a specific WAY in your making. Do you know how you are made to work in Christ?
The Relationships of God in His authoritative commands HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. From Genesis to Revelation, God has been and reveals as He speaks through His Son, Jesus Christ, to Love God and our neighbor!
Love is an Action Word. The Father, through and by His Son, Jesus, demonstrated the Greatest Love by Sending His only Begotten Son to save the world! Everyone!
The first and foundational RELATIONSHIP that Jesus reminds us of is the RELATIONSHIP OF AND WITH GOD, OUR CREATOR!
A RELATIONSHIP is a process or condition that you relate to; you have a bonding link in common with another.
Rain Rain Go Away! This great song we sang as children was full of fun and joy! Even today, as we partake in another day of soggy shoes, carrying umbrellas, and dealing with wet clothes, honestly we may be singing that song deep under our breath.
We concluded The Book of James and We are Enlightened to know the Hope of our Calling! The Hope of our Calling is The Perfect Work in Us!
The purpose of a question is to EVOKE, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER your MIND to ANSWER! What is more important is WHO is asking for an ANSWER!
The Tongue is an interesting part of the human body! It forms sounds and words by coordinating intricate movements to blend sounds that shape the very air that comes from very lungs.
What KIND OF FAITH is the Apostle James speaking of in Verse 14? He describes a FAITH that has no “works” of what is known in the heart and mind of someone who “says” they are Born Again.
The law of liberty is not a set of rules or regulations, rituals, or ceremonies. James, who is Jewish and now Born Again, reminds dispersed Christians they are NOT under the previous Law of “Do Right” and “God will Bless You”.
We are to Honor the people, those created by HIM! We are to hold them, in high regard...WHY? Because God created them and Values them, all of us! This includes Christians and those to be born again!
James, the leader of the dispersed people of God, now foreigners in foreign lands, gives the Great Godly Wisdom to Count the current conflicts in their lives as JOY!
Perseverance…Endurance…Patience…is an Attribute of God(2Pet3:9)…. Its called Longsuffering! Here’s the RUB..its in you if you are Born Again!
Father, my heart desires to serve you as Your priest and king/queen as a daily offering of myself to the only One who is worthy of honor. My mind is renewed that you are My Father, and Jesus is my Lord! I have been positioned in my life for this time, and I can not be or never will be forsaken by you or from your will!
Father, I confess I see myself as the one who You knew before the union of my father and mother! Because You are perfect, I remember today that I am perfectly created, formed, and made in Jesus Christ!
The Body of Christ is a spiritual house being built and established by God through the vessels of each member resting in the life of their Lord and King, Jesus Christ. We are the Father's choice instruments through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring His "house" plans to completion!
The Unity of Christ “calls people out” to be one of many parts of The Church of Christ. Christ has built something in His sacrifice, “MY CHURCH”!
In the miraculous making of “man”, God determined that Man needed MANKIND! The Creator determined on the front end of humankind that one should not be ALONE!
Romans 12:1-2
Renewing our Mind is a daily Necessity of the Christian life! Your knowledge, Your Reactions, Your Response, Your processes, and what You produce must be transformed over Your lifetime into the Person; His likeness, and the Image of Jesus Christ!
The Godly Life is simply the life in that one who is born differently and one who lives differently! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 1:17, 1 Peter 1:9) The “difference” is of and by God, the Creator and Father of all. God did a NEW THING that was Jesus Christ! (Is 43:19)
Relationships, Only 3 Count!
The Relationships of God in His authoritative commands HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. From Genesis to Revelation, God has been and reveals as He speaks through His Son, Jesus Christ, to Love God and our neighbor!
Love is an Action Word. The Father, through and by His Son, Jesus, demonstrated the Greatest Love by Sending His only Begotten Son to save the world! Everyone!
The first and foundational RELATIONSHIP that Jesus reminds us of is the RELATIONSHIP OF AND WITH GOD, OUR CREATOR!
A RELATIONSHIP is a process or condition that you relate to; you have a bonding link in common with another.
Rain Rain Go Away! This great song we sang as children was full of fun and joy! Even today, as we partake in another day of soggy shoes, carrying umbrellas, and dealing with wet clothes, honestly we may be singing that song deep under our breath.
The Perfect Work, Book of James Series
We concluded The Book of James and We are Enlightened to know the Hope of our Calling! The Hope of our Calling is The Perfect Work in Us!
The purpose of a question is to EVOKE, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER your MIND to ANSWER! What is more important is WHO is asking for an ANSWER!
The Tongue is an interesting part of the human body! It forms sounds and words by coordinating intricate movements to blend sounds that shape the very air that comes from very lungs.
What KIND OF FAITH is the Apostle James speaking of in Verse 14? He describes a FAITH that has no “works” of what is known in the heart and mind of someone who “says” they are Born Again.
The law of liberty is not a set of rules or regulations, rituals, or ceremonies. James, who is Jewish and now Born Again, reminds dispersed Christians they are NOT under the previous Law of “Do Right” and “God will Bless You”.
We are to Honor the people, those created by HIM! We are to hold them, in high regard...WHY? Because God created them and Values them, all of us! This includes Christians and those to be born again!
James, the leader of the dispersed people of God, now foreigners in foreign lands, gives the Great Godly Wisdom to Count the current conflicts in their lives as JOY!
Perseverance…Endurance…Patience…is an Attribute of God(2Pet3:9)…. Its called Longsuffering! Here’s the RUB..its in you if you are Born Again!
Building Your Brother Series
Father, my heart desires to serve you as Your priest and king/queen as a daily offering of myself to the only One who is worthy of honor. My mind is renewed that you are My Father, and Jesus is my Lord! I have been positioned in my life for this time, and I can not be or never will be forsaken by you or from your will!
Father, I confess I see myself as the one who You knew before the union of my father and mother! Because You are perfect, I remember today that I am perfectly created, formed, and made in Jesus Christ!
The Body of Christ is a spiritual house being built and established by God through the vessels of each member resting in the life of their Lord and King, Jesus Christ. We are the Father's choice instruments through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring His "house" plans to completion!
Rethink Series
The Unity of Christ “calls people out” to be one of many parts of The Church of Christ. Christ has built something in His sacrifice, “MY CHURCH”!
In the miraculous making of “man”, God determined that Man needed MANKIND! The Creator determined on the front end of humankind that one should not be ALONE!
Romans 12:1-2
Renewing our Mind is a daily Necessity of the Christian life! Your knowledge, Your Reactions, Your Response, Your processes, and what You produce must be transformed over Your lifetime into the Person; His likeness, and the Image of Jesus Christ!
The Godly Life Series & Easter
The Godly Life is simply the life in that one who is born differently and one who lives differently! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 1:17, 1 Peter 1:9) The “difference” is of and by God, the Creator and Father of all. God did a NEW THING that was Jesus Christ! (Is 43:19)
If you take the time to read today, you will be Empowered and Encouraged in the Life you Confess! You can not talk about the Godly Life, The Journey of our Existence in the Life IN Jesus Christ, and NOT talk about sin!
Easter Holiday of tradition and historical influence of greek, Jewish and other cultures. We can spend days filtering through the details and the errors of this holiday. However, for those who are born again in Jesus Christ through the word and power of God, this time of the year is a holiday!
Jude 1:24-25 Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
The Reality of Life in Jesus Christ is that you are no longer found guilty and punished for the sin that you were born in from your mother’s womb. This SAME sin that has been judged by The Creator, God and the only payment is death.(Roman 6:23)
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
In Salvation Receiving The Word or the Rejection of The Word brings Life or a Continuum of death, total separation from the Creator and Father of Us All. God, before the beginning of time, chose The Word to bring Life, The Word to be Heard, The Word to be seen, The Word to be experienced and The Word to bring Light to all men! (John 1)
The book of John gives us a different perspective of thought concerning Jesus Christ from the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke! Apostle John states the reason the Gospel of John was written is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)
What is God's pattern to establish a thing, that it is completed to His expected end? The core, the essence of God’s establishment of Himself in mankind, is His Word!
Imagine this…. the Potter, the creator of vessels decides He wants to make a new vessel. In His mind, He has determined the very intricate parts that will be a pleasure to Him.
In the Beginning, God Created, and everything else from that point came into existence by His voice. God spoke what He created, what He knew in His own mind! People of God, nothing started with Genesis 1, it all starts with God and it is revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures and demonstration of God’s in our lives. God is the one who knows the End from the Beginning. (Isaiah 46:10)
Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, 12 looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.
More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ…….
The Bible reminds us in 1 Peter 1: 1-4 that through the Knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given ALL THINGS pertaining to living a Godly Life! This is not just living but living in earth as one of the children of God.
The Knowledge of God is simply His Thoughts, His Way, His Wisdom, His instructions! We, as Born Again Believers have received His Thoughts in the Mind of Christ!