Scripture references: Genesis 2:18, James 4:1, Luke 4:1-13, Eph 2:18

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18

In the miraculous making of “man”, God determined that Man needed MANKIND! The Creator determined on the front end of humankind that one should not be ALONE!

Think about that for a minute…..

God decided that the “Good” of Man required a sharing, giving, and living with another one! This picture of so many intricacies of the making of humankind, including but surely not limited to, the order of God, husband and wife dynamics, and the operation of human relationships; is the simple yet profound GOD INTENDED purpose in mankind that people are to function, operation and exist TOGETHER!

Isolation is NOT the intent of God for US to exist in the earth. God intended for us to share in the ONENESS of HIM in relationship with each other! The very inconsistencies of people and our ways that divide us are the very places God created Us to exist together as His people! Why are we divided in our families, friendships, culture,s, and ethnic backgrounds? Why are we at WAR with each other on subjects and situations of life? Why do we hold grudges for failures of loyalty and love in each other lives?

As Apostle James tells us in the Word of God, “Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in YOUR members?" In other words, what you want and desire is not being met or benefited by…the other one. Yes, PRIDE is the guilty thing, and that “thing” is in you! The Pride of Life, just as the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye will hinder the “Good” of you and the relationships with others.

Although these things show up differently and in many different forms in our lives, they are still what they are; the “tools” of ‘temptation” to pull you away from God’s Intent!

So the very thing, “people” that we must contend with are the very ones we are created to be “Good” with! The Question to ask ourselves is…. do we need to be DELIVERED(removed) from one another or DISCIPLINED (the practice) to love one another according to God’s Intent?

The answer will blow your mind because to be disciplined(the practice) to love others, even those who mean you harm, you must know what Godly love is and be discipled (trained and accept) by the Way of Jesus Christ!

To really talk about the Unity of Christ, We must first understand WE, as the people of God are UNIFIED BY Him first! Jesus is who and what makes the Body of Christ one, not your own way! Differences and Disagreements do not mean Division in the Body of Christ! We need to be Discipled to love and Disciplined in our interactions and relationships with each other.

RETHINK Christ-Like Unity with others, it's not personal, it's who you are, and those who are Born Again!

Ephesians 2:4 For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.


Frances Archer

Terebinth Moreh Ministries


RETHINK “The Church”!
