Blind Faith Series - Paid Promises!
Terebinth Moreh Ministries and Frances Archer of Under The Tree Teaching Ministry are so glad to share the final Blog of this series!
Thank you for Renewing your Minds in Hearing The Word to Live in The Word! Romans 12:1-2
Paid Promises!
Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 [a]of whom it was said, “In Isaac, your seed shall be called,” 19 concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense
He left it all, blind to where He was going but assured in his mind by the Voice of God. God chose Abram and Abram “left” that very day for the “Land I will show you”.(Gen 12) Abram was convinced in his own mind when He heard God's Voice, the authority of the Creator of the universe was speaking to him!
He knew in his heart that THIS God whom he has heard of is now speaking to him! The Bible tells us that no one can know the “mind of God” unless it is revealed by “His Spirit”. (1 Cor 2:10) Abraham heard not only the Voice of God but His promises for him and towards his descendants!
God spoke not only in the authority of being God as Creator but El Shaddai, the Almighty powerful provider! Abraham heard the Promises of God and believed that El Shaddai could do it. He believed God could and would, do whatever it took that the Words that proceeded out of His mouth to his ears would not be void in his hearing!
Abram “received”, and accepted what God said, as his truth. It was the truth of God’s Voice that kept Abram moving in the Blindness of Faith even in the most challenging times of life. Abraham offered his only son, given by God knowing it was supernatural that he even had a son. Abram knew Issac was the one promised.
So why would God ask Him to give him the very thing he supernaturally gave him?
The answer to this question is tucked away in WHEN Abram “believed God”.(Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3) The Bible reveals to us, that Abram offered his son at the request of God because he “had received the promises”. Abraham in pain and concern never allowed his “senses” to override God’s Voice!
Abraham used his "thinking" to consider how God would make it supernaturally happen instead of how it appeared to be.
Abraham concluded in his mind, that if God kills him, God can raise him up. Never doubting the Voice of God, Abraham moved on God’s Word even in the turmoil of giving up what He desired and received from God himself!
His very thought process was revealed to us in The Bible when Abraham told his servant, to wait and WE will be back!
Abraham believed God not when he was tested, but when God Spoke to him, many years before!
(Gen 22:5)
Were the Promises of God Worth it? Was it worth the travel, the testing, the trials, and even the emotional and physical turmoil of sacrifice? If the Fathers of Faith were here, I perceive they would tell us, “YES!” The Bible tells us they “died in faith”. They contended in the faith of God’s Voice until they left this earth. (Hebrews 11:13)
Their hearts were convinced and assured! The Fathers of Faith lived with their lives, hearts, minds, souls, and strength toward God in what GOD REVEALED in their BLINDNESS and not what they experienced in the sight of daily experiences!
It is in Jesus Christ the Promises of God toward the nations of the world are blessed, that Abraham and many Fathers have a testimony of us, the Born Again Christians who live by Faith in Jesus and every Word that proceeds out of Our Father!
Jesus Christ paid for the Promises of God that they never return void.
Every Promise of God is, “yes and amen” in Jesus and He completes the life required of God for us! We must believe God exists and that He is our Rewarder. There is no one Greater and None like Him. When He speaks, it is So, and it will happen! (Heb 11, Is14:24-25)