Biblical Honor: A Forgotten Work!
Biblical Honor is holy and it is a Great Work of those in Jesus Christ! Each of us has the “job” of building up our Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ! This reciprocal honor is the foundation of the peculiar way the Born Again Christian is made, As Jesus is so are we in Earth! (1 John 4:17)
Biblical Honor is holy and it is a Great Work of those in Jesus Christ! Each of us has the “job” of building up our Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ! This reciprocal honor is the foundation of the peculiar way the Born Again Christian is made, As Jesus is so are we in Earth! (1 John 4:17)
Jesus Christ, our Lord knew we would need further instructions to Honor each other. Many times, as spiritual ones, we live in these earthy bodies and lose the true sight of who we are! With the foundation that we are the Body of Christ, The Bible gives us an understanding of those we need to specifically bring to our minds to honor as we may not recognize them as we ought to!
The Father knows what we need before we ask. He knew that some in the Body of Christ would need greater levels of honor, the building up of others because of the capacity of specific “works” assigned to them in the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God!
Greater capacity in the Body of Christ does not mean the bring devalue of others, it means God has appointed them to “do” differently and in a greater “depth” for your benefit! Everyone has a part in The Body of Christ and everyone needs to be built consistently and continually, that WE contend for the Faith and we confess until the end of this earthly life, together.
In addition to honoring everyone, The World of God reminds us to specifically recognize, esteem, respect, and value, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, kings, governmental authorities, and godly spiritual leadership! (1 Peter 2:17, 1 Tim 5:17, 1 Thess 5:12-13, Rom 13, Hebrews 13:4, Eph 6:2, Matt 15:4)
These individuals are ones that become so familiar in our lives with their presence or work, that we may take their value for granted because we have familiar access to them or their gifts. . They are always at “work” in and for us! Whether ignorantly or because we have not renewed our minds concerning God’s people we don’t recognize the great value of them towards us from the Father!
We forget THEY need to be built too in and by the Body of Christ! Many times because they are at “work” in our lives so much, we can’t see the multitude of their giving and the lifting they provide for us…until it’s gone!
Apostle Paul in the Book of Thessalonians reminds the church to honor “those who”:
Labor (work) among you Lead (work) you Instruct (work) you
Those who do this kind of “work” IN THE LORD!
Apostle Paul also exhorts Timothy in his pastoralship to allow “the elders” who direct, and rule in the labor of Word and doctrine, to receive double honor, double respect, and double esteem…as they need it. They need it to be built to build and this honor comes from The Body of Christ!
Biblical Honor is not restricted to one month for Clergy, “those who” labor in Word and Doctrine, IN THE LORD is ongoing! They are gifts to you and your families. You will never know the cost, the labor, or the sacrifices of their lives because their “yes” was to God not you! You receive from them and you are built by them to run this God-given race!
As members of the Body of Christ as well, they need to be edified by you! They need your lovingkindness and expressions of your heart that they are fortified for the purposes of their lives. So that their walls, their lives don’t become weary in well doing IN THE LORD.
October is a month to specifically recognize “those who labor among you” as Clergy. Yes, it is a manmade time frame, but it’s an opportunity to “Recognize” those you may not have “edified” in the Body of Christ as a portion of your “good work” in Christ.
These are righteous ways Christ has given us in The Word of God to operate, it’s our Making! Honor the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers among you! Those who are building you to grow in Jesus Christ!
Remember God does the growing, that’s why he set “some” in the Body of Christ that you mature. (Eph 4, 1Cor12:28, 1Cor 3:6) It was never about money or going to heaven, It’s about your confession as One Born Again!
Honor your Spiritual Leaders; The Father is our Rewarder
I pray you have been renewed in your mind in the foundations of Biblical Honor. I pray you are transformed and the proof of God’s good and pleasing will in the earth.
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
Biblical Honor: It’s for The Body of Christ!
The Good work of honor is the responsibility of every Born Again Believer at the foundational level of Jesus Christ! If the foundation is faulty everything else concerning HONOR will have cracks in it, and it will be compromised. Is your foundation of Honor faulty?
The Good work of honor is the responsibility of every Born Again Believer at the foundational level of Jesus Christ! If the foundation is faulty everything else concerning HONOR will have cracks in it, and it will be compromised. Is your foundation of Honor faulty?
Honor is the Action of RESPECT OR HIGHLY ESTEEM of another Because of the VALUE GOD has placed on their life!
As a Born Again Christian, given The Good Work, The Way of Jesus Christ, you are to highly esteem and value another brother or sister in Christ because God Said So!
This is crucial for the RENEWED MIND IN JESUS CHRIST! Your thoughts concerning the things of God are not that you rationalize IF it works for you but you replace your thoughts for HIS! (Is55:8-9)
God tells us to “honor one another” (Rom12:10) AND to “honor one another above ourselves”. (Rom12:10) The FOUNDATION of HONOR is reciprocal! That means IF you are BORN AGAIN if you are filled with Holy Spirit if you are following Christ if you are expecting the Coming of your Lord in Salvation…then you are to HONOR one another!
Whether set, anointed, gifted, appointed, elected, or chosen in the Body of Christ, we are to HONOR one another! (Ephesians 4) I am to HONOR you and you to HONOR me! That we BOTH are esteemed, respected, and valued in the life of another, no matter the position of God in The Body of Christ!
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, the Exalted King of Kings, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Prophet and Teacher of God…HONORED the Creator through the emptying of Himself for the Will of God. And He honored the world, by thinking of them above Himself and Died on the Cross, that all may be given the gift of Life. Now that’s an example on Honor!
In the image and likeness of Him, we are to in our Righteous Life demonstrate this Way of Honor to another!
The family of God in Jesus Christ is worthy of your love, time, comfort, kind words, smile, help, finances, gifts, mercy, and let go on and on! Why did Jesus form us to “work” like this?
It builds us! It’s called EDIFICATION!
The body of Christ builds each other up through Honoring one another. We build each other up in our Godly morals, in our faith and the faithfulness of God, in the knowledge of God, and the holiness of God in our lives. We need the HONOR of another to be strong and grow! All of us, no matter our position or place in the Body of Christ, we all need to be built.
There is a reason we are Built to Honor Each Other! Be Renewed in your Mind!
Romans 15:2-3
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it s written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on Me.”
Let’s Continue to Build and Grow in the Knowledge of Biblical Honor!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
Biblical Honor: It’s a God Thing!
Many wonder what these “good works” are in the Born Again Christian. The Righteous ones in Jesus Christ are made by His sacrifice, but we have also created a peculiar way to live and live forth until The Day of the Lord. You are formed to operate a specific WAY in your making. Do you know how you are made to work in Christ?
Biblical Honor is a Good Work! Is it yours?
Many wonder what these “good works” are in the Born Again Christian. The Righteous ones in Jesus Christ are made by His sacrifice, but we have also been created a peculiar way to live and live forth until The Day of the Lord. You are formed to operate a specific WAY in your making. Do you know how you are made to work “honor” in Christ? This simply means as you are made and created by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, you are formed by the Word of God to operate a in a Godly way, and this way is very strange to the world.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.
Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in love, honor one another above yourselves.
One of the righteous ways in the Way of Jesus Christ is HONOR! Honor has been so mangled in church organizations that many who devoted themselves to God in these environments have come to have a bad taste in their mouths of the very word “honor”. Others who do not have an understanding of biblical honor ignore it all together or only have a worldly concept of thinking. Unfortunately, now as people of the world and those who are the people of God, both have very arrogant, twisted concepts of honor.
Honor is a biblical term that is both a thought and an action. The action of honor is always directly related to your thoughts of one who is respected or highly esteemed. But the thoughts and thinking of respected ones are of your perceptions formed in your own mind!
The worldly concept of honor is founded on the accolades and preference for governmental authorities, the wealthy, and those who are exalted as ‘greater” or “better” than others by their talents or charisma of themselves.
However, the Born Again Christian has the mind of Christ. Therefore we THINK AND PROCESS, we make decisions based on THE WORD OF GOD! Our thoughts are His thoughts when we apply His wisdom in our lives and it is His Word that proves itself in our lives that the Glory of God is evident to others.
True Biblical Honor for the Born Again Believer is spelled out in The Bible! God tells US to “honor one another above yourselves”! Think and Do toward others because God says they are worth it!
Not because they did it right, no because they made it a good thing for you, not because you have to, but because you are the righteous one of Jesus Christ, we are to HONOR ONE ANOTHER, ABOVE THE HONOR OF OURSELVES!
To Honor, another one above yourself is NOT to take away or demean yourselves but to:
Not only look out for your interest, but ALSO for the interest of others (Phil 2:3-4)
Do for others as you want others to do for you( Luke 6:31, Matt 7:12)
Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:39)
Bear the shortcomings of the weak and not please ourselves(Romans 15:1)
We are to honor, highly esteem, respect, highly value, and protect our brothers and sisters in Christ! This is the Way of Jesus Christ that he demonstrated, he experienced the presence and lack of, He taught and greatly expounded through the lives of His Apostles and their teachings concerning this Godly life in Christ.
Honor is Biblical and Honor is The Way of Christ! And Holy Spirit has made sure in The Bible that WE as Born Again Believers know who we are to honor for His Name Sake!
We are Renewing Our Minds in Honor! The holy Honor that Jesus Christ teaches, not what the world teaches, that WE are the proof of His good and pleasing will on the earth!
Hebrews 5:4
And no one takes the honor for himself but receives it when he is called by God,
just as Aaron also was.
Join me tomorrow as we continue to examine, Biblical Honor!