What God Said! It’s in His Word
Over 2ooo years the Holy Spirit has been on assignment to ensure that each person on the earth comes into the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. God has orchestrated letters and words over many languages, through many people and over many nations what He wanted to be seen and known by future generations as His Word. Now in our hands, we have The Bible, a collection of 66 books, over 35 authors, over 700, 000 words, and over 3 million letters inspired through the Holy Spirit(2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Peter 1:21). The Holy Spirit is not just anybody; He is the Person, the powerful presence of God Himself. (1 Corinthians 2:12) The Holy Spirit can be seen in history through the work of mankind, intrinsically maneuvering and guiding through wars, debates, scribes, translations, and territories, Just the right knowledge that would transcend time and give every generation of His people everything that is needed to come into the knowledge of a Holy God that is in pursuit of that which He created.
God the Master used the voice of thoughts, “speech” to begin the momentum of His communication with all that He created before the foundations of the earth.
What God Said! and the universe responded to the power of his voice that carried His thoughts and “What God Said”! came to be.
Sounds, words, and sentences became the vehicle for the thoughts of God from before the beginning of time, illustrating the power of an unseen God to the world. It was through hearing and speaking that God communicated with the people that He called out to Himself to gather and be the tree for others to be gathered to. God communicated and His power completed the authority of His Word. And now, 2000 years later God is still communicating through His voice, translated into words and sentences called language.
The Bible is the summation of all that God has deemed necessary for those to have knowledge of Him and everything needed to live a godly life. (2Peter 2:13) The Holy Spirit has inspired what the Father has said through the heart of men that those that are to “hear” will know what the Father is saying. (John 16:13) The Holy Spirit holds the mysteries to these words and communicates with understanding as He is led by the Spirit of the Father. You may read the words of The Bible, but understanding, the communication of God to you is through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is so precise in what He does, He reveals as orchestrated by God when, where, and how to reach each one individually and collectively as the Kingdom maintains the hidden things for their appropriate times.
The Holy Spirit interweaves the knowledge of God across time and people that all things are appropriate and according to the Father’s will in every moment. The Bible is the supernatural thoughts of God translated overtime for those created by His will. The Bible is God’s conversation with us whether speech, written words, or sentences, it is His language to and for us.
It should behoove us why people of this world think that the Holy Spirit is not able to transcend other languages, transliterations, and even the errors of scribes and literary professions to continue to watch over the Word of God?
What God Said! Is supernatural, Holy Spirits’ inspiration through men as they are carried along by Him. What God Said! is supernatural and the word, the message, the language of God is supernatural because it is His mind, the thoughts and intentions of our supernatural God.
The Word of God contained in the Bible however, it gets into our hands, eyes, and ears is supernaturally a living seed of the Mind of God in our souls that we are renewed in every making of our being. Growing upward in the drawing of God Himself, calling us to a godly life and a life of worship and purpose of His holy will. The Bible is God! Through the One who has been handling His business throughout time, the Holy Spirit, God has no issue with backing up His Word!
What God is revealing, confirming in our lives is in The Bible. However, the Holy Spirit must open our eyes to see it. He is the one that gives understanding. You cannot know the mind of God unless it is revealed by His own spirit, the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:11)
Your job as a Christian, one born again in Jesus Christ, is to give yourself to His Word that He will have a place to work. (2Timothy 2:15) Your job is to nurture the growing process of God in your life through those who are called to water you. (1 Corinthians 3:8) Your job is to mature in the Word of God by walking (living) in the way of God demonstrating the Wisdom of God by bearing good fruits that all may know the One from Whom you are of. (Galatians 5, John 15)
That’s it! The Bible is vital nutrition for every true Christian called by God, saved in Jesus Christ, and mentored by the Holy Spirit. God has one language through His one Word that communicates across time. Do you want to talk to God and God talk to you? How will you hear and understand when He is speaking, if you don’t know His language. The Bible, the written Word of God is His voice, devote yourself to His voice and enjoy the conversation. It’s the call of a lifetime!