Is This a Thing: Compromising Christian?

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A Compromising Christians is simply one living in the deception of another truth! A life lived or living in the error of the ways of God himself! The Word of God, Jesus is the knowledge and understanding, the total expression of the language of God to his people being the only Way, Truth, and Life of one who calls themselves by His name! Outside of this UNDERSTANDING, you are amiss, and you have missed the mark of God!

If you live outside of the Word of God, your understanding is a mixture of what you heard regarding the way of the Kingdom taught by Jesus Christ and what you've heard outside the influence of God’s Word. The adversary entices you in these areas of mixture and pushes you into blindness. If it is not the truth of GOD, the standard of His thoughts, the manifested Word of God for our understanding, it is a lie. A lie deceives from the truth! If you are a Christian, one who believes in Jesus and follows Him, all of Him, the Son of man, Son of God, and the Word made flesh then anything outside of Him is compromise. 

Have we compromised the Truth for a truth that satisfies our mixture of a perceived standard of life for a Christian? It is this compromise that the Bible tells us in the last days, many will fall away( Matt 24:10-11). This falling away is the willingness of one’s own heart to walk away and choose to live in a different direction from what God has said is His good and pleasing will through Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:2) These compromises are disguised in many costumes of our lives. They appear to fit us perfectly and they fill our temporary need of selfish desires. These customs take on a form of light in our lives but the light we see is from another source. 

Deception is always before us although we may not know the source of it. Whether moral, carnal, or spiritual, God has a standard of operation for us. Compromised Christians, are those who identify with Christ, but think, live and support a deceptive truth outside of the Word of God. They blend what feels good, looks good, and seems good then calls it a way of God. When we take things of God and mix them for our self benefits, we become a conspirator against God and a counterfeit of the Truth. When we compromise the truth of Christ and His very words, we add to it, we take away from it, we swing it out of context to fit in the standard of men, their accolades, and our undelivered unholy desires. 

Compromise has its own reward but in heaven it’s a violation of God who sits on the Throne. This One who is called HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. The same One, who has declared in the earth that His people are to be holy as He is Holy. The same sovereign ONE, who sent his Son and His Spirit to battle on earth what desires to sift us you like wheat. The desire that attempts to sift us like wheat, to beat us into confusion with the tares, will at times begin to bend and break like one destined for the fire. It is the likeness and image of God that separates us from what is false and not like Him. The only factor that makes us His Harvest is Jesus Christ and the Right Standing He gives us freely through His life. 

Rise up, Saints, and Submit to God and all of His Word, that in it all you are and live His Truth. We must remember that His power and His Grace in our weakness will prevail against deception in our desire for ourselves. Jesus has conquered the tar that blemishes us, sin, and He has given us Grace to declare His victory in the earth. Jesus is the proof that the Father of us All in His immeasurable love for us chose to bring us through time into eternity. Instead of regretting the Ones He First loved, He chose to Love us by sacrificing His son that we shall live and be with Him. 

How can you ignore the lovingkindness of God, Our Father? Can you see the unconditional love that extends mercy in the darkness of our lives? It is this loving-kindness that will allow the eyes of our understanding to see the false light and desire the True light of God. It is this Light of sacrifice that will move us to turn towards Him and simply love Him in obedience, resting in His faithfulness to sustain our lives. The understanding of the Lovingkindness of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will turn your heart to seek Him. (Romans 2:4) Turn to God and what attempts to deceive you will run from you! (James 4:7)

Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did. - 1 John 2:6 NLT

Chamel Evans

Helping female Christian entrepreneurs to confidently show up, walk in their purpose, and serve others well. Faith Mentoring . Strategy . Web/Graphic Designer

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