I Might Not Be A Christian!

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Christianity has been made to mean a whole lot of things by this world. The world has labeled Christians as those who go to church, those who speak in tongues, or those who are religious.  The world does not take into account what you believe in or what God you serve, but if you act like one who goes to church, if you dress like one who goes to church, if you believe in a God, then you must be a Christian. However unlike the requirements of many worldly institutions, no standard is measured or proof of your identity is needed, only the perception that you are, as the world defines it “godly”. Thus the identity of a Christian has been revamped by the world to accommodate its own meaning, even the notion of what “church” is. 

Christianity is faith in Jesus Christ! This is the convinced understanding and belief that Jesus was sent, died, resurrected, and exalted as Lord of all things in heaven and all things in the earth. (Philippians 2:9-11)  Faith is the steadfastness in the finished works of Jesus Christ and accepting the agreement to follow The Way and The Truth of Jesus Christ as the will of the Father! (John 6:38, 2 Corinthians 6:16)  Jesus teaches us without an opportunity of misunderstanding in the book of John Chapter 3, for one to see the Kingdom of God each one must be born again. A born again person has taken possession of the gifted life of Jesus Christ and Jesus has in return sent the Holy Spirit to live in the inner place of their being as a guarantee of eternal life with God. (2 Corinthians1:21-22)  A born-again person has received the life of Jesus Christ and taken His Identity thus receiving every blessing, including eternal life in His life. (Ephesians 1) There is nothing to compare this person to, nothing to describe this person to, and nothing that sustains this person but that which he has come into the identity of, Jesus Christ. Therefore, this person is Christ-like because he has been made and validated as one in the likeness and image of Jesus Christ. Everything in his life including the teachings, trainings, trials, triumphs, tests, valleys, mountain tops, moldings, sacrifices, and obedience becomes the place for the good work of the Lord within whom He has Lordship. That one is a Christian, like kind of Christ!                                                                                                               

In the New Testament of the Bible, the word Christian is only mentioned three times in the NKJV version. The word became a label that was intended as a mockery of the people that were different from the others of their time and different from anyone they had experienced. As people encountered the ones who identified themselves with Jesus Christ, they called them “Christians”. The people who were mocked by others had come to believe in what they heard of Jesus Christ and devotedly lived a life responding to that belief even to the sacrifice of death at times. What do we call these people? Who do they resemble in actions and thoughts, ways, and language? The only one in whom they could relate the lives and ways of this group of people was that of the life and living of Jesus Christ, that One that had come out of Nazareth. (John 1:45-46) They called them, Christians because they were Christ-like. In the mouth of others intended for mockery, God proved the ones who walked in the faith of Jesus were birthed in image and likeness of His son, peculiar to those that were not of Him.  It is time to take our identity back, if you are born again by water and the Spirit you are a Christian!

Jesus Christ is still the Cornerstone of CHRISTIANITY! Maturity, wealth, prosperity, signs and wonders, miracles, blessings, spiritual gifts/talents are all Through Him! The Holy Spirit demonstrates the evidence, the testimony of Jesus Christ in the lives of those who are born in and walk in the Faith of Him. You could not even believe if the Father had not given you FAITH to believe in The Anointed One, Jesus Christ! (John 6:44, Romans 12:3) It is the Faith of Jesus Christ that you believe and are “Born again''!  It is Faith in Jesus Christ, that his Spirit, Holy Spirit lives in you and matures you to be one of thankfulness that gives God the Glory for all. It is Faith in Jesus Christ that you even access The Father and partake of God and all He has provided for you! The power and illumination of the Holy Spirit will reveal your being and purpose only through the ONE in whom you are created! Anything else is darkness and not a Christian.

The Builder formed you before the foundation of the earth, and created you for his own purposes in the earth, in the likeness and image of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 3:4, Ephesians 1)  He laid you on a foundation of the willing offering of Jesus Christ that would endure across time. He framed you with the pillars of His Word that birthed you and sustains you even to this day. (Isaiah 59:16) As God stood back, He filled you with His breath and you are a living soul!     (Genesis 2:7) Now formed, created, laid, framed, and filled, He will mold you in the earth to be His Glory, Christ in you, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27). The splendor, honor, pleasure of the Father is you being His kind, the Jesus kind...a Christian by the definition of Heaven alone! 

John 3:5(ESV) Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 

Chamel Evans

Helping female Christian entrepreneurs to confidently show up, walk in their purpose, and serve others well. Faith Mentoring . Strategy . Web/Graphic Designer


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